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Aqua Gold Consulting

Claim Your Copy of My New Book

(Tips, Techniques And Strategies To Flood Your Business With Customers Even In The Toughest Times!)


Inside the pages of this breakthrough book I detail secrets you can use immediately to…

  • Increase your sales and profits (no matter what you sell or who you sell it to).
  • What motivates people to buy now (understanding proven emotional triggers).
  • Attract more quality customers (who want to buy from you – NOW!).
  • Structure offers that sell like crazy (in any market).
  • ​The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) (to fast track your marketing).
  • And much, MUCH more!

If you want to make a lot more money, have a lot more time off, and enjoy a lot more freedom, this book is for you… especially if you’re not making as many sales as you want to right now. Start today!

Here Are Just a Few of the People Ross has Helped in the Past...

Donna Fleming, Happy Days Diner

“We have been in business for six years and have survived hard times such as during Covid and Ross has been an absolute godsend helping us keep up in this game of business, and allowed us to not sink during Covid but instead keep growing. He has really allowed us to remain one step ahead with his valuable guidance and sharing of business knowledge.”

David Nicholson - Owner Operator -Princess II Charters

“Ross Anderson has a unique ability to look at what everyone else does, and then figure out a way of doing it better… adding more value than anyone else out there.”

Urs Kueng, FGS Composites Pty Ltd, Oakhurst Qld

“It was good to gain more knowledge about marketing and the great follow up helped has us to improve even more. We appreciate Ross’s Enthusiasm towards business success, happily to grow with him.”


“Ross has been instrumental to elevate my business to a sustainable level. He has been an excellent business mentor and I can only recommend working with him if you want to go from working hard to working smarter”

Free One Hour Consultation on How To Dominate Your Market

Are You Ready to Advance Your Business?

What’s The Single Biggest Problem You’re Facing In Your Business Today?

Send Me Your Question and I’ll Email You the Solution!

Get it Now the New Aqua Gold